Healing Acres Wellness Center

Your Journey to Wellness Begins Here

Initial Consultation 

Initial Consultation by a Homeopathic Healer includes an assessment and intake form to gather background information essential to helping us analyze your lifestyle and well being and factors that may be causing stress within the body, mind or spirit. After the consult, you will receive recommendations to help you progress in lessening the effects of stress in the body which is the number one contributing factor to misalignment and dis-ease within the body. This initial consult includes the baseline Neural Chek Scan with a plan moving forward to improve your health in a holistic way.

Neural Chek (BrainTap HRV)

Neural Chek (Brain Tap HRV) features an ECG recording with real-time monitoring of functional indices. It measures 11 areas that pertain to the body and how it is able to regulate or not regulate from stress such as your brain waves, biological age index, and psychoemotional state of processing. It also measures brain waves and the state of your nervous system and whether you are going into the healing phase of sleep at night.


BrainTap is a brain fitness product that uses light and sound technology to balance the brain. When the brain is in balance, the whole body works optimally, and the outcome is better sleep quality, less anxiety, more clarity, focus, energy and recall. We have over 2000 programs to choose from on this device that ranges from weight loss, meditation, breathwork, positive thinking, habits, sleep and healthier eating. This works with the neuroplasticity of the brain and literally changes pathways for a better more fulfilling and stress free life.

Harmonic Light Therapy

Harmonic Light Therapy Systems deliver the ultimate biological nutrient of Light with the tuning power of Pulsed Resonant Frequency to profoundly benefit your mind, body and spirit. These therapy systems safely and comfortably deliver light wavelengths throughout the body. The red/infrared pads are FDA OTC cleared to increase circulation and relieve pain associated with many ailments. Light therapy Systems pulse each light wavelength at specific Harmonic Frequencies to signal the nervous system to shift from the sympathetic response of “fight or flight” to the relaxed, parasympathetic response in which the body rests, digests, and heals.

Aroma Therapy

ISome essential oils are soothing, toning, and grounding, while others are energizing, warming, and renewing—but all essential oils are natural. The variety of essential oils allows you to naturally and effectively address your specific concerns. With so many essential oils available, you can tailor them to your specific wants and needs rather than be forced to settle for a generic solution. This makes essential oils a popular choice for those looking for the best natural solutions in the modern era. The versatility of essential oils is part of what has made them so popular in recent years. Included with all sessions.

Grand Opening Special

Includes: Initial Consultation -(Valued at $169) by a Homeopathic Healer
1 BrainTap Sessions (Valued at $49)
Harmonic Light Therapy Session with Aromatherapy (Valued at $49)
Neural Scan with recommendations (Valued at $89)


Rick & Christi Diamond


We are Rick and Christi Diamond, B.S. , M.Ed. owners and facilitators at Healing Acres Wellness Center. Besides coaching couples in relationship and facilitating retreats here for men, women and couples, our mission is to revolutionize holistic wellness by harmonizing the latest in health technology with the timeless wisdom of natural healing practices. We are dedicated to providing personalized, innovative, and compassionate care that addresses the unique needs of each individual's mind, body, and spirit and to help ease the effects of stress on each of those aspects. Our expert team is committed to guiding you through a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery, in a serene and welcoming environment that fosters relaxation and rejuvenation. You can read more about us and our mission at www.thehealingcoach.com.